For the JC published May 14 2018 Israel’s president has pledged the country’s solidarity with the UK Jewish community in the wake of attacks from the left and right of the political spectrum. In a warm and sympathetic address, Mr Rivlin spoke to 160 members of the United Synagogue (US) who were in Israel on […]
For Jewish News May 13 2018 The top table of the Board of Deputies has been transformed as women candidates triumphed in the elections on Sunday. Marie van der Zyl, an employment lawyer, beat three other contenders to become only the second woman president in the Board’s 250-year history; and Sheila Gewolb has become senior […]
Hilik Bar for the JC May 2018 from Jenni Frazer The Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, MK Hilik Bar, has accused British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn of friendship “with those elements in the Middle East who want to live here instead of us [Israel], and not next to us”. Mr Bar, whose idea it was […]
For the Jewish News May 10 2018 Those expecting blood on the streets at the presidential hustings for the Board of Deputies triennial elections were to be disappointed. At the JW3 hustings on Tuesday night, all the candidates — Edwin Shuker, Marie van der Zyl, Sheila Gewolb (both Board vice-presidents) and Simon Hochhauser — stepped […]
Gnasher Jew row from Jenni Frazer Feb 2018 One of the most active Jewish social media accounts attacking antisemitism in the Labour Party, GnasherJew, was defiant this week after being twice suspended by Twitter for alleged breach of its rules. GnasherJew, which describes itself as a group of Jewish ex-Labour Party members, has been registered […]
Jason Silver Feb 2018 for Jewish News A pro-Israel activist from east London, who was involved in a major confrontation at last summer’s PalExpo event, died suddenly last week and was buried at Waltham Forest cemetery on Sunday. Chiropodist Jason Silver, who ran the Silver Podiatry practice in Loughton, Essex, ran foul of the PalExpo […]
Kings College for JN from Jenni Frazer Feb 2018 A screaming crowd of about 60 students barracked an Israel Society meeting held at Kings College London’s campus, resulting in the police being called to ensure the safety of the audience and the speaker, the former Israeli deputy prime minister, Dan Meridor. The meeting was jointly […]
Meridor in UK for Times of Israel Feb 2018 by Jenni Frazer Former Israeli deputy prime minister, Dan Meridor, had a difficult beginning to his whistle stop trip to the UK this week to speak to students on university campuses. In a visit organised by a new campus organization, the UK-based Pinsker Centre, Mr Meridor […]
Hadassah for JN by Jenni Frazer January 2018 “You must have worked out what is wrong with you”, a consultant told Mark Lewis more than 25 years ago. “No”, he replied, “I’m a lawyer, not a doctor”. The diagnosis was bleak, the intervening years of hope and rejection more tough than can be imagined as […]
APPG event by Jenni Frazer for Jewish News Feb 6 2018 The writer and comedian David Baddiel has made an impassioned plea for antisemitism “to be seen as just as important as other racisms”, adding that he believed Holocaust denial to be clearly antisemitism. But Baddiel, who clashed only last week on social media with […]