Ceasefire event JW3 for JN July 2018 A UJIA-sponsored attempt to broker dialogue between two opposing sides of the community on how best to support Israel, at times descended into a bad-tempered shouting match between right and left wingers — and ended with both sides apparently as far apart as ever. “Ceasefire” was the optimistically-entitled […]
Wegier for JN July 2018 The chief executive of UJIA, Britain’s biggest pro-Israel charity, has spoken with regret of “provocative acts and provocative language” on both right and left of the political spectrum. Speaking before UJIA’s first structured dialogue, “Ceasefire”, held at JW3, Michael Wegier said that “a big challenge for the mainstream community” was […]
Moot court event for the JC July 2018 Ernst Rudin could be said to be the father of Nazi ideology — as a German-based psychiatrist and neurologist and proponent of “eugenics”, or racial “hygiene”. But despite Rudin’s advocacy of racial purity — support which led to the murder of thousands of so-called “genetic defectives”, and […]
Moot court for the JC July 16 2018 Ernst Rudin could be said to be the father of Nazi ideology. The German-based psychiatrist and neurologist was a proponent of “eugenics”, or racial “hygiene”. But despite Rudin’s advocacy of racial purity — support which led to the murder of thousands of so-called “genetic defectives”, and thereafter […]
Nazim Ali case for JN July 2018 by Jenni Frazer The Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) is taking legal advice after the Crown Prosecution Service (CPA) controversially dropped a prosecution — due to begin next week — against the convenor of last year’s Al-Quds march in central London, Nazim Ali. Mr Ali, who is a director […]
For the Jewish News July 2 2018 The Israeli-born jazz musician, Gilad Atzmon, was obliged to make a humiliating apology in the High Court on Monday after having libelled the chairman of the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), Gideon Falter. But Atzmon, whose costs and damages are understood to have run into tens of thousands of […]
For the Jewish Chronicle published June 27 2018 A leading Sephardi rabbi has made an extraordinary apology for a comment he made about the 17th century diarist, Samuel Pepys. Rabbi Joseph Dweck, senior rabbi of the S&P community in Britain, had picked up on an entry in Pepys’ diaries. Pepys is, says Rabbi Dweck, “well […]
Roseanne for the JC by Jenni Frazer May 30 2018 The nicest thing, perhaps, that one could say about the writer and comedienne Roseanne Barr, is that she has a conflicted relationship with Judaism and Israel. She sprang to fame for being white trash and proud of it. Her TV sitcom, Roseanne, which she wrote […]
For the Jewish News posted May 22 2018 A libel case brought by the chairman of the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), Gideon Falter, against the Israeli-born jazz musician Gilad Atzmon, will now go ahead after a High Court judge ruled against Mr Atzmon in much of his defence argument. Mr Atzmon, who describes himself as […]
For the Jewish News May 13 2018 The top table of the Board of Deputies has been transformed as women candidates triumphed in the elections on Sunday. Marie van der Zyl, an employment lawyer, beat three other contenders to become only the second woman president in the Board’s 250-year history; and Sheila Gewolb has become […]